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235 chemin de Petit Flory
84270 Vedène



Pont du Gard

Out of Time! Visit the Pont du Gard
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The Palais des Papes

Come and visit the Palais des Papes of Avignon (84) in Vaucluse.
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The Pont Saint-Benezet

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If you came to visit Provence, once in Avignon, such a siren the city will bewitch you and you will not any more want to leave!

And only "to see" the city, we can roam for days through its intramural districts without ever growing tired.
Avignon is full of story and alive and kicking and invites you for a stay under the sign of the happiness!
Capital of Vaucluse and the Coast of the Rhône, Avignon, the city of art and culture, theater, cinema, museums, department stores and small shops, Avignon is a town which has everything of a big and still...
Houses and medieval alleys in the mansions of the Renaissance via(including) all its beautiful and old places and a diverse gastronomy, going of the family, good and cheap to most great star chefs.
The historic center of the city, the Popes' Palace, the episcopal ensemble and the holy bridge Bénézet are registered on the world heritage by UNESCO.  
Originally Forum of Avenio - The Roman city in 1st century BC - the Place of the Clock stays the "center" of Avignon. 
Here is the City hall, built between 1845 and 1851 in the location of a old cardinalice livery the old strengthened tower transformed into belfry in the XVth, as well as the clock of which it kept to Jacquemart. Close by, the municipal theater, also of the XIXth, shelters the opera of Avignon and at the very top of the place, turns the attractive carousel Belle Epoque.
Meeting place, lined with terraces of cafés and restaurants, the place is always very led. Just like the Place of the higher Palace, a vast esplanade invested in summer by acrobats of street. 
And as his name indicates it, here is the great Popes' Palace, the emblem of the city and the monumental witness of the importance of Avignon in the Christian world for the Middle Ages.
Next to the Palace, the Cathedral Notre-Dame of Doms of Avignon set up as 1150, of Provençal Romanic style, was registered on the first list of historic monuments in 1840. Of the summit of its bell tower, the statue of the Virgin completely gilded(Virgo completely gilded,Virgin completely bronzed), 6 meters high and weighing 4500 kilos, blesses and protects the city.
Facing the Palace, dragons and eagles throne on the impressive baroque building, the hotel of Currencies. And not far the Petit Palais, the old residence cardinalice reconverted to museum, shelters an impressive collection of Italian primitive art, sculptures from Avignon and paintings of the School of Avignon.
If all this greatness and liveliness already turns the head, take up to the Rock of Doms, the cradle of the city, for a break freshness with peacocks and swans around the pond. The place offers you panoramas on all the city, its roofs, its bell towers, until Villeneuve-lez-Avignon and the surroundings. 

At the bottom of the Place of the Clock, the Street of the Republic, the main artery, divides the city a little there two. Of a highly-rated, the Street holy Agricol leads to the chic and bourgeois area of the city with the street Joseph Vernet, the 5th Avenue of Avignon where the shops of fashion and luxury are numerous, and the Place Crillon, with prestigious Hotel of Europe in the old mansion of the XVIè century of the Marquis de Graveson.
Of other one esteemed extends the pedestrian and trading zone which uncorks in the Place Pie and Halle, market hall decorated with a terraced garden. Meeting place of the Inhabitants of Avignon, stalls propose quite kind of food and candies. Do not go the empty stomach there!
Farther, the Place of the Carmelites also welcomes two very popular markets: a peasant market and in flowers on Saturdays mornings and chips every Sunday. The place pulls its name of the magnificent convent of the Carmelites and its conventual church of the XIIIth century. 
Go the bohemian district of Avignon and the Street of the Dry cleaners lined by Sorguette. If it is not the center of Avignon it is a heart. Today haunted by artists and musicians as well as Inhabitants of Avignon " pure origin ", this charming paved street dates the Middle Ages when the silk industry was going full swing.     
If paddle wheels, among which four always remain, do not turn(shoot) any more, the street, as for her(it), moves with wine bars, young nice restaurants, musical evenings, everything in the shade of plane trees and in an almost rustic atmosphere. 
If you want to open a little horizons, made a tour for ramparts.
The ramparts of Avignon constitute the 2éme longer continuous wall of the world after the Great Wall of China. You can reach his covered way by the Rock of Doms or the staircase Anne society.
Then, go to dance on the famous bridge of Avignon. The holy bridge(deck) Bénézet was built by 1180 - supernaturally according to the legend by a simple shepherd - to connect the city with Villeneuve-les-Avignon.
A war and successive floods of the Rhône partially destroyed the bridge. Today remain the chapel holy Nicholas du XIIe century and four arcs the length of spans of which constitutes, according to prestigious one civil engineering, an incredible exploit for period.
At the foot of the bridge is the landing stage of the reaction ferry which takes you free of charge to the island of Barthelasse for a stroll in the green just a step from the city.
Unless prefer you a stroll in one of the numerous museums of Avignon. Enter the bottom of contemporary art (the Collection Lambert) the museum of the Fine arts (School of Fine Arts) (the Calvet museum) and collections of painting (Angladon et Petit Palais museum), of archaeology ( Concise Museum) or period furnitures and decorative arts (Louis Vouland museum), you will have a very wide choice in the Capital of Vaucluse!
And let us not speak religious buildings! 
Rabelais would have wanted to call the city the Island sharp because of all her churches, chapels and convents. We cannot enumerate everything here, but let us quote among others the magnificent Basilica Saint Peter, particularly striking with its evening illuminations, majestic Collective holy Didier or the Protestant church, the holy Temple Martial.
Everywhere, in the bend of a street or a place, you will fall on a chapel of penitent or a small church, all sheltering treasures and works of art of an inestimable patrimonial value. 
A city to be savored all year round thanks to the multiple demonstrations(appearances) which take place all year round, Avignon really takes another size during her " 5éme season " when takes place the famous Festival of Avignon.
This festival of dance, music and theater was established in 1947 by the actor and the director Jean Vilar (60th edition in 2016). The entertainments happen everywhere in the city, often in the historic places and even in the streets. Today it enjoys an international fame but with the least formal Fringe festival a narrow relationship between troops and public was able to be maintained. 
Notice to the visitors: with all the pedestrian zones and the one-way streets the traffic can turn out to be difficult for those who do not still know the city. Besides, the car park is not of the easiest either. If you stay in one of the numerous hotels of the city inquire with the establishment to know the best way of parking you. If you come for day opt for one of the non-paying parking lots situated just outside of ramparts, as the parking lot of Italian or on the island Piot, both insure a department of free shuttle every ten minutes and to late the evening in season.